Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

7 Ergebnisse.

Le fil d'Ariane : mythes et labyrinthes

Bajtlik, Jan
Le fil d'Ariane : mythes et labyrinthes

Une découverte des récits mythiques de la Grèce antique, représentés de façon ludique et didactique sous forme de labyrinthes. Chaque dédale est l'occasion de retracer l'histoire d'Ulysse et de ses compagnons, des Cyclopes, du Minotaure, mais aussi des premiers jeux Olympiques.

CHF 32.00

Greek Myths and Mazes

Bajtlik, Jan / Bajtlik, Jan / Krasodomska-Jones, Zosia
Greek Myths and Mazes
A fascinating collection of labyrinths and puzzles set in Ancient Greece. Find your way out of a maze on each page in this stunningly intricate book from the creators of Maps.Discover the legendary labyrinths of Ancient Greece, as well as the myths and stories that have captured readers for thousands of years, in this beautifully illustrated collection of puzzles and facts. From an Ancient Greek theatre, to the Trojan horse and the Minotaur, t...

CHF 29.90

Ariadnes Faden

Bajtlik, Jan / Weiler, Thomas
Ariadnes Faden
Seit Jahrhunderten fasziniert uns die griechische Antike: Die Sphinx, blinde Seher, Rätsel und Labyrinthe ziehen Kinder wie Erwachsene in ihren Bann. Jan Bajtlik wendet einen großartigen Trick an: Sein Buch ist ein einziges Labyrinth. Vom Einband durch alle Seiten bis zurück zum Ausgangspunkt kann kind sich seinen Weg suchen. Vorbei an Prometheus' Feuerraub, Herakles' zwölf Arbeiten, mitten durchs Labyrinth des Minotauros, den Palast von Knoss...

CHF 33.50

Greek Myths and Mazes

Bajtlik, Jan / Bajtlik, Jan
Greek Myths and Mazes
In the vein of the best-selling Maps, this brilliant oversize maze book invites readers to get lost among the twists and turns of beloved Greek myths.Discover the legendary labyrinths and mythologized mazes of ancient Greece in a beautifully designed book of paths and stories. Each turn of a page lands the reader in a new and exciting Greek classic through which to chart a path, learning along the way. From the twelve labors of Heracles to the...

CHF 46.90


Bajtlik, Jan
Chissà se al piccolo Gutenberg sarebbe piaciuto poter scarabocchiare i suoi caratteri mobili... sicuramente piace a noi! Nel libro del giovane grafico polacco Jan Bajtlik la tipografia incontra il disegno e la fantasia. Se un coccodrillo perde i denti, infatti, basta scrivere delle M o delle W e per ritrovare la strada dentro a un labirinto, in fondo, basta solo saper tracciare tante S. Un libro per vedere (e scrivere) le lettere come non le a...

CHF 31.50